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BonLab will be at IPCG 2023

  • Queens University Kingston Ontario Canada (map)

The international conference organized by the International Polymer Colloids Group (IPCG) traditionally is one of the highlights where BonLab showcases their latest work. This year the meeting is held at Queens University in Canada.

Emily Brodgen and Josh Davies, both PhD researchers, will be representing our team and showcase some of the latest research work from our team. Emily will talk and the Graduate Research Seminar on linerless pressure sensitive adhesives made from mixtures of “hard” and “soft” polymer latexes, and both Emily and Josh will have posters at the main conference.

Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Bon says: “This conference is close to my heart. I am immensely proud of my team and their work and am delighted that Emily and Josh are participating. Both were awarded travel grants by the Royal Society of Chemistry and OCCA to showcase their work. It pains me that I am not in the position to travel myself yet this time. The last year has been tough for health reasons. The team kept me energetic and my recovery is looking good. I am really looking forward pushing our research the coming year and hope that people like what we are doing. We have some exciting things in the pipeline.”